Monday, October 3, 2011

Klan Member Longest Serving Democrat in History!

Senator Byrd, Democrat. Did you know that he was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan? Did you know he was the LONGEST serving DEMOCRATIC member of congress...ever? From 1953 to 2010.  Did you know that his fellow Democrats voted this racist in as Senate Majority Leader on two occasions? Did you know that Byrd once stood in the doorway of a school in the south, preventing little Black children from gaining entrance with the White children? He filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act! Byrd was the only senator to vote against both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas to the United States Supreme Court, the only two African-American nominees. He strongly opposed Clinton's 1993 efforts to allow gays to serve in the military and supported efforts to limit gay marriage! This is a DEMOCRAT we're talking about here! He supported the Vietnam War, started under a Democratic President, but condemned the Iraqi War. This man is the perfect example of Democrats' racism,  hypocrisy and double standards that have been in play for over a century!

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd...and his Brethren!

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