Friday, June 10, 2011

The Media Attack On Sarah Palin...Relentless!

UNBELIEVABLE!!! The New York Slimes and the Washington ComPost have hired "READERS" to sift through the thousands of Sarah Palin emails that were just released, to see what garbage they can find out about her and publish it! I have NEVER seen such a campaign of hatred from the media before!
To all you Liberal "Sarah Palin Haters" out there. We know why you despise her and try to bring her down every hour of every day! you are all SCARED TO DEATH OF HER! She is TOO HONEST and actually SPEAKS THE TRUTH...and you can't have way! How else are you going to advance your devastating agenda!?
 It's so very clear! If Sarah Palin was "insignificant" these lowlife media types wouldn't even waste the ink on her! The more they lie and make up stories, the more powerful Sarah Palin becomes! Keep up the good work, you liberal losers! It's working! For us!

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