Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bush...Clinton...and Osama Bin laden.

  • For all you Bush haters, remember this. IF Clinton had followed through on the occasions that he had Osama Bin Laden IN HIS SIGHTS...Military waiting for his ok to take him out...or when OBL was OFFERED to him by Sudan, it is possible...just possible, that we would have averted 911! Just saying, don't be so quick to criticize Bush all the time!
    Bob Kerry, a former senator and current 9/11 commission member, said, “The most important thing the Clinton administration could have done would have been for the president, either himself or by going to Congress, asking for a congressional declaration to declare war on al-Qaida, a military-political organization that had declared war on us.”
    Getting Bin Laden would have been extraordinarily difficult. Clinton was weakened by scandal, and there was no political consensus for bold action, especially with an election weeks away.

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