Thursday, October 13, 2011

These People Are Breaking The Law!

The Wall Street Protesters do have a right to free speech...that's a given! But they DON"T have the right to infringe on the rights of other people! For instance, working people from the area that can't get to work because the mass of bodies is blocking traffic! They are also creating a health hazard by not bathing, sleeping under tarps, having sex, and trash and garbage piling up all around them! And they won't allow cleaning crews in to clean things up. If these were homeless people pulling this crap, they would be arrested! And just what are they waiting for? Do they think someone will come out and start throwing money all around to appease them? Message received! You are unhappy and we all get it. Now it's time to allow others to utilize THEIR freedoms!

Blocking Traffic From Businesses

Homeless Would Be Arrested!

Blocking Parking Spaces

Protesters Drug Store!

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