Sunday, September 25, 2011

Perry Put The Cart Before The Horse On Illegals!

Helping illegal kids get educated so they're not a further burden on society, in theory makes sense. However, they should not be here in the first place, their fault or not. That's the issue. If you keep giving out "incentives" and telling illegals you can skirt the law by doing this or that, or the law really doesn't matter, they will never stop climbing that fence. That's all I'm saying. Before you start doing those things, how about securing the border first, put more boots on the ground there, and THEN start figuring out ways to help those already here. Perry has put the cart before the horse on this issue. That's a big problem for him, as he keeps arguing it's the right thing to do, and we are "heartless" if we don't agree!

Perry needs to stop THIS first!

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