Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama Personally Invested In Lightsquared! What?

You've heard about the Lightsquared scandal, right? The company that heavily donated to Obama's campaign, wanted to supply broadband internet for free to 260 MILLION Americans, paid for guessed it...we Taxpayers! Big Surprise! It's been reported that a four star General was pressured to "tweak" his testimony before congress in FAVOR of Lightsqared, even though he was there to testify that the plan could jeopardize National Security by interfering with Military GPS systems! What? NOW, to make things worse, we find out that Obama PERSONALLY invested $90,000 in Lightquared! How many ingredients does it take to spell "Conspiracy" or "Criminal Activity"? Interesting note. George Soros also heavily invested in Lightsquared AND Obama's campaign! Of course, he and Obama are joined at the hip!

Two Crooks...Same Agenda! Destroy America!

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