Michelle Obama: "The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more." "All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do - that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be."
Michelle Obama: "Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second. (Sounds to me like SHE went in with a prejudice, and wouldn't accept them accepting HER!)
Michelle Obama:"My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before. I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. "
Michelle Obama: "We had to fear people who looked different from us. Fear people who believed in things that were different from us. Fear of one another right here in our own backyards."
She will NEVER get past it! Never! Can you imagine the pillow talk between her and Barry? I have a feeling the term "White" comes up quite a bit!
Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa....poor downtrodden minority....
Princeton didn't treat you like the Queen you know you are! |