So Obama has fast tracked his behemoth, unconstitutional "ObamaCare" lawsuit to the Supreme Court, which he just tilted in his favor by appointing two left wing leaning women,
Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Highest Court in the land since he took office! It is anyone's guess how it will end, as the Supreme Court is filled with idea-logs instead of Constitutionalists! They lean towards their "interpretations" of the law, and not the actual meaning! The link below is to the list of current Justices, and their biographies. our fate is in their hands, and we had nothing to do with putting them there!
This Bunch Controls Our Lives And Future! |
Man I am so glad to see this post. It's a joke and if no one believes that then why is one of the main reasons given for electing a president that he will be responsible for putting people on the bench? And then it's a political circus when someone is nominated. Yes, that system has to go like everyone else in D.c.