Well this is just more of the same corruption that Obama brought to his presidency! Solyndra, a solar energy company, after contributing heavily to Obama's campaign, received $528 MILLION in Stimulus money as a loan from Obama, even though he knew the company had problems verified by independent auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers! Still Obama went ahead with the loan KNOWING the taxpayers would take the hit if Solyndra went under...WHICH IT DID! Bye Bye to another $500 Million Taxpayer Dollars!
you know that President Bush back burner-ed that company's request for
huge loans in 2008 because of the red flags that rose about it's
viability at the time? Then, only 6 days after Obama took office, it was
fast-tracked by Obama and the $528 million dollar loan (by taxpayers)
was approved! Gee, I wonder if the huge donations to his campaign had
anything to do with that!
One more thing. Solyndra top officials PERSONALLY visited Obama's White House on four separate days just one week before the behemoth loan was granted! Even some White House Officials were warning against this loan! It was well know that China was developing the same technology for much less money! Do YOU get access to the White House when you need a loan? This is criminal! No private company should have access to the White House, especially for a self serving purpose!
Obama with Solyndra CEO and Obama Contributor! |
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