Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obama's Pay Back Techniques against FOX NEWS and Arizona

Fox News is the ONLY one that ever reports important events that affect our country, and might implicate Obama and friends. If we didn't have FOX, we would never know what's happening until we saw the mushroom cloud!
FOX NEWS broke the story about "Fast and Furious" implicating Obama and Holder in selling guns to the enemy, of which some were used to kill US Agents. Obama and company declared war on FOX one else...just FOX. The rest of the media have their lips tightly secured to Obama's rear end!

Another example of Obama's pay back techniques: My state of Arizona pushed Obama for a fence. He declined. We passed SB1070. He had Holder sue us. Obama then came down here and laughed at us suggesting a moat and alligators. The media joined in with him ridiculing us!

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